On Mothers’ day bring along your mum to one of the most beautiful organic gardens of Hungary to taste the finest food prepared in the #1 ecovillage in Hungary
The first weekend of May will be about the garden and the kitchen in Krishna-valley. The best and probably the nicest Mothers’ day present is to take you mum for this weekend where the best tips will be shared by expert gardeners, cooks explaining the secrets of spices, specialists sharing ideas about sustainability and household gardening. This weekend will see the inauguration of a new walk across the gardens, and there will be lots of fine vegan food preparations for tasting.
This event will have chemical-free gardening in the focus, and also the Ayurvedic cooking methods, using the veggies produced in Krishna’s gardens.
The visitors are also welcome to come and see the heart of Krishna-valley, the shrine and can also participate at various lectures and presentations. You can experience real Indian style hospitality, how guests are received in the home as representatives of God. The importance of offering food preparations to God will also be explained as well as the traditions of Indian catering. You will get a glimpse of what and how pilgrims eat at various places of pilgrimage and holy places. The diet of yogis will also be presented.
The favourite will, of course, be the cooking presentation where you will be able to see and also taste how and what appetizing delicacies are prepared on open fire. In this spring weather Krishna-valley arguably offers the best programme for the whole family. Children will have a great time discovering the place but the whole family will relish in the gardening programmes and the great food offered.

10:00 Szentélylátogatás körvezetéssel
11:00 Kertészeti körvezetés
12:00 Fűszerbemutató
13:00 Szentélylátogatás körvezetéssel
14:00 Ingyen lakomáim Indiában – gasztronómiai előadás
Az indiai vendégszeretet és az étel szakrális jelentősége.
15:00 Kertészeti körvezetés
16:00 és 17:00 Szentélylátogatás körvezetéssel
17.00 Ahol még fehér ember nem evett – gasztronómiai előadás
Szent helyek zarándokétkeztetése, étkezési hagyományok Indiában.
11:00 – 16:00 LÁTVÁNYKONYHA főzés
Belépők és bővebb információ >>
(Fotók: Pártha Dasa)
Turisztikai információ: +36304583373 [email protected]