Budapest Temple Sunday Programme

Admin Angol, NEWS

Every week in Budapest: 1039 (Csillaghegy) Lehel utca 15-17. Occasionally in Eger, Debrecen, Szombathely, Pécs and other towns– please find information on the webpage. Krishna Valley, Sunday early morning –  lecture from Caitanya Caritamrta with option for lunch (lacto-vegetarian delicacies) at midday. Please confirm before travelling!!! Budapest Temple Sunday Programme: 14:00 Meditation music (bhajana). Talented musicians are welcome to join in. 15:00 Lecture on Krishna Conscious life-style, philosophy and culture with a question and answer session at the end. 16:00 Traditional worship with chanting and dancing (kīrtana). Men and ladies dance separately following very simple steps. 16:30 Vegan feast …

Happy People in India


I am lying in a half-open cottage in Kerala, one of the most beautiful places in India. It is April, and I am staying in the sprawling tropical land, in the cover of palm trees, at the shore of the ocean. As it should be in God’s own country, the month of Venus greets us with a pleasantly hot glance. April is watching the heavenly scene with hazy but hot eyes, though not weeping. As cool clouds come from the ocean, and they soothe the passion of April and chase the clouds if its tears towards the nearby mountains. In …