On March 7, 2025, Krishna Valley ISKCON Hungary received an extraordinary honor at an Indo-European Business Council’s gathering held in Budapest. The conference recognized it as the “Most Sustainable EcoFarm Village in Europe.” Krishna Valley Indian Cultural Centre and Eco Farm in Hungary is one of the largest and oldest ecovillages in Europe. It is a member of the Global Ecovillage Network of Europe, and its research institute has an observer status in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Krishna Valley’s representatives cooperate and share their experiences with a wide range of international organizations, including universities and higher educational institutions. …
Krishna devotees prepare for Christmas with 10 000 food parcels and cooked food
“Hare Krishna!”, “Merry Christmas!” – These words will fill the People’s Park on 24-25-26 December, where the Krishna devotees’ Christmas Love Feast will be held again this year. For more than three decades, the event has helped those in need during the festive season. At the venue, next to the Planetarium, devotees and volunteers will be preparing with thousands of smiles and hundreds of hot meals to celebrate together with those who need support the most. The Christmas Love Feast is the culmination of the year-long humanitarian work of the Krishna devotees to break through the grey walls of indifference …
Youth, Faith, and Peace: ISKCON’s Role at the OSCE Conference
The Warsaw Human Dimension Conference 2024, held from 30 September to 11 October in Warsaw, Poland, focused on critical human rights and fundamental freedoms across the OSCE region. This 10-day event, organized by the 2024 OSCE Maltese Chairpersonship with support from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), provided a platform for participants to evaluate current challenges and trends affecting regional security. Participants included representatives from OSCE participating States, inter-governmental organizations, civil society, and other relevant stakeholders. In addition to the main plenary sessions, the conference featured numerous side events that allowed participants to dive deeper into …
Rāmāyaṇa Play at Amrita Sher-Gil Cultural Center
Venue: Amrita Sher-Gil Kulturális Központ, 1025 Budapest, Búzavirág u. 14. Date & time: 2024.10.30., 18.00 / 30.10.2024, 6 pm Entry is free, but registration is required, please kindly fill up the form below: https://www.eoibudapest.gov.in/ascc/news_detail/?newsid=593 The dance-drama Rāmāyaṇa is about a heroic deed of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, who came to earth in the form of a heroic archer, Rāma, in the Tretā age to deliver His devotees from the atrocities of demons and persons of demonic nature. Shortly after their marriage, Prince Rāma and his wife, Princess Sita, were banished to the jungle in the company of Rāma’s brother Lakṣmana. The …
Vidagdha-mādhava – The Divine Play by Rūpa Gosvāmī
New publication by Revatī Devī Dāsī www.kadamba.hu The aim of the book in review, The Divine Play by Rūpa Gosvāmī, is to make Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī’s drama, the Vidagdha-mādhava, accessible to the widest possible audience. The description of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes is literature of the highest order, an articulation of ultimate reality. In fact, the Vidagdha-mādhava is not literature, not a play, but a living divine act. It is a stream of nectar that can ease the miseries of material existence, elevate one from the repetitive cycle of birth and death, and bless one with the sweetest elements of …
Steps towards a better world – 30 years of the “We must take action!” pilgrimage
A group of Krishna devotees will set off on a two-week pilgrimage on foot from Eger on 8 July. The pilgrimage, which promotes clean, virtuous living and environmental awareness, will this year visit the settlements around Lake Tisza. Launched 30 years ago and held every year, the motto of “We must take action!” pilgrimage is simple living, high thinking. This year, participants will again enrich the region by planting trees in the villages visited. The pilgrimage aims to raise awareness of the importance of sustainability and environmental protection, and to offer young people a healthy, substance-free alternative to partying. It …
Eco Odyssey Conference Held in Krishna Valley Paves the Way for a Sustainable Future
In May, the 2024 Eco Odyssey Conference was held in Krishna Valley, Hungary. It brought together hundreds of attendees and renowned experts to explore practical and theoretical aspects of social sustainability. Highlighting Krishna Valley’s sustainable initiatives, the event provided valuable insights and tangible solutions for a sustainable future. The devotees in Hungary held a major conference in Krishna Valley (New Vraja-dhama), focusing on various aspects of social sustainability. The event’s relevance was underscored by the increasingly urgent environmental, ecological, and economic crises facing the world. Sustainability movements began gaining momentum in the 1970s in America and Western Europe, particularly in …
Folk crafts, tasty dishes, a great eco-party – this is what awaits us this year at the Krishna Valley Fair
Although many Hungarian surnames are related to traditional folk crafts, most of us have no idea how to start felting, making hemp paper or how hard it is to forge. Krishna Valley, now more than 30 years old, will hold the village festival (Búcsú) from 26-28 July 2024. This year the focus will be on traditional crafts and sustainability. The 320-hectare Krishna Valley in Somogyvamos is an eco-village and organic farm, the largest in Central Europe. It has nearly 150 inhabitants while 300 other devotees live in its neighbourhood, but 30,000 tourists and pilgrims visit it every year – and …
Chariot Festival in Budapest – The power of music brings us together
For the 28th time this year, the chariot of Kṛṣṇa returns to Budapest for the Ratha-yātrā Chariot Festival on Saturday, 29 June. The festival consists of two main parts, the first is a music and dance parade through the city centre, and the second is an all-day Indian-themed outdoor festival in the City Park. Parade-goers will pull a huge, ornate, hand-drawn chariot along the road, on which a particularly lovely and smiling form of Kṛṣṇa, God, will ride and look around the city. According to ancient Indian tradition, pulling Kṛṣṇa’s chariot removes obstacles and harmful reactions from people’s lives and …
Global crises and individual battles – thousands await the Christmas Love Feast from the Hare Krishnas
In our country, 3,000 of our fellow citizens rely on the work of Krishna food distributors every day, who will distribute around 6,000 portions of hot lunches, cooking ingredients and festive goodies to those in need during the Advent season. Not only in the capital, but also in the countryside. This will be the 35th Christmas charity Love Feast. Why do the Hare Krishnas distribute half a million bowls of food every year? It is the job of religions to direct the souls towards God. However, Krishna believers also place great emphasis on charitable work alongside their religious work, as …
June 24.: Ratha-Yatra Festival of Chariots: Krishna-valley and India – guests of Budapest for a whole day
Indian streetfood, ox cart procession from Krishna-valley, festival of music and dance, peace meditation, and a glimpse of the largest ecovillage in Hungary (for that matter, Europe). This is the programme of the Festival of Chariots this year. Colourful tradition from India Ratha-yātrā, i.e. the Festival of the Chariots is one of the most ancient festivals coming from India, which is a celebration of the most cheerful form of God coming out of His temple so that everyone can see Him. No one can resist the spirit of the jubilation of the public festivities, which, in India, involve approximately 2 …
1000 servings of food daily in Turkey
The members of the food distribution mission got up early. The temperature falls to 2 degrees during the night, starting the cooking cauldrons and the work was outright pleasant. Acting on the recommendation of the military, our food distributors set up camp south of Antakya, in a suburb, as in more central locations violence is rife. The men served 400 portions as breakfast to the local population – they are serving 1000 plates daily. They served hot lentil soup, cheese, bread and olives, according to local tradition. This area was hit the gardest buy the earthquake: practically all buildings were …
Hare Krishna devotees to provide aid for the survivors of the earthquake in Turkey
Four Hungarian Hare Krishna devotees are to leave Budapest for Turkey early on Friday. They will distribute cooked food for the survivors in the most heavily damaged earthquake stricken area in Turkey, jointly with a local team of Turkish devotees. With permission from the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), the devotees will travel to Antakya, Hatay province, where they will prepare cooked food in a truck converted into a mobile kitchen and they will distribute it locally. The simple, nourishing food will help feed the survivors as well as those participating in the rescue operations. Distribution will take place …
Christmas Love Feast: Thousands of families rely on help in the present times of crisis
Food for Life Hungary, the humanitarian aid arm of the Krishna-conscious believers has organised food distribution events in Hungary on a daily basis for the last thirty years. Although the present difficult economic situation affects the content of aid parcels and the number of portions is also affected, the Hare Krishnas do not give up and will organise the Grand Christmas Love Feast this festive season as well. Every charity and social care organisation faces a challenge by the energy crisis and food inflation. According to the report of the National Bank of Hungary, the price increases of food items …
Sivaráma Swami: Mitől lesz sikeres egy házasság? (Videó)
Noha a Swami 50 éve cölibátusban él, rendszeresen segít pároknak abban, hogy elkötelezettek maradjanak a kapcsolatukban és beteljesíthessük a házasság valódi célját. Mi a házasság két alapvető pillére és mi az a három dolog, amit mindenkinek tudni kell egy kapcsolatban? Napjainkban sajnos a házasságok 50%-a válással végződik. Be kell vallanunk, hogy a mai élettársi kapcsolatok a valóságban korántsem olyan sikertörténetek, mint ahogy azt a filmek és könyvek próbálják bemutatni. De mi ennek az oka és mit tehetünk ellene?
The Mission of Rūpa Gosvāmī
The driving force behind Rūpa Gosvāmī’s acts, including his vast literary repertoire, was Caitanya Mahāprabhu, renowned as the initiator of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava lineage in sixteenth-century India. In the eyes of his followers, Śrī Caitanya descended to earth to enact a specific redemptive mission. Indeed, his bhakti movement changed the hearts and faith of uncountable people, both in the India of his day and worldwide in the modern era, by instilling in them the path of pure love of God. Like many who were touched by Mahāprabhu and his teachings, Rūpa Gosvāmī left behind his worldly life and dedicated himself …
The Festival of Chariot returns to the City Park in Budapest!
After the lockdown is lifted, the Krishna-believers organise the Festival of Chariots again on Saturday, 9 July. Two years were lost and now the organisers promise to have a huge party on Andrássy street, then at the City Park. They hope that the India Festival will be a real joyful event, which will have „peace” as its central motive. Ratha-yātrā, the Festival of Chariots, is one of the most ancient and grandiose festivals of India which attracts almost 2 million people every year. For more than 50 years, the festival is also organised in many Western cities and for many …
April 30 – May 1: From the garden to the kitchen – Gardening and Gastronomy Days in Krishna-valley
On Mothers’ day bring along your mum to one of the most beautiful organic gardens of Hungary to taste the finest food prepared in the #1 ecovillage in Hungary The first weekend of May will be about the garden and the kitchen in Krishna-valley. The best and probably the nicest Mothers’ day present is to take you mum for this weekend where the best tips will be shared by expert gardeners, cooks explaining the secrets of spices, specialists sharing ideas about sustainability and household gardening. This weekend will see the inauguration of a new walk across the gardens, and there …
Krishna devotees have started to provide food for those displaced by the war
Since waves of refugees cross the Hungarian border fleeing from Ukraine, ISKCON Hungary starts to actively participate in helping those displaced in the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. In addition to keeping up the everyday distribution of food, the Hare Krishna Food For Life program is always ready to help in disaster situations feeding the masses who arrive from disaster areas. To organize the catering operation, devotees have contacted the relevant government agencies and other charities and are preparing to start the food distribution when the events require. On request from the Embassy of the Republic of India, devotees also participate in the …
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